Strategy Implementation and Engagement

“The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that’s changing really quickly,
the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” Mark Zuckerberg

Employee engagement assumes an ever-increasing significance in the face of strong, present-day, headwinds. This is precisely when senior leaders have the greatest opportunity and responsibility – to create a culture that enables greatness.

In parallel to managing important operational realities, leaders must concurrently
hold themselves to account to ensure that the leadership culture and supporting organizational systems and processes are enablers of “psychological safety”.

Only then will people allow themselves to be real, to stretch outside the norms, to dare to speak the truth, to own their mistakes, to take risks, to challenge themselves and the status quo, to question presuppositions and to boldly innovate.

Our Approach:

When implementing a new strategy, we partner with leaders to plan and prepare for their role in the change effort, before the change is announced.  We listen, we question, we dialogue and we clarify our understanding… then we listen some more… and question some more… and dialogue some more…and re-clarify…

Our work is built on the three critical dimensions of The Human Element developed by Will Schutz, which encourages a healthy environment where inclusion, self-determination and openness thrive.  This is to facilitate a healthy culture, in which the energy and commitment of team members across all levels of the organization can be seen and felt – from the “spark” in their eyes.

Services include: