Team Alignment for Performance

“Experiments have demonstrated that under time pressure, compatible groups perform better than they do without pressure, while incompatible groups become less effective.  This finding is contrary to the popular belief that any group of people can work well together if the task is of sufficient importance.” Will Schutz, The Human Element

Our Approach:

We hold a holistic perspective to team alignment and development, recognizing that team interventions are most impactful when tailored to the unique needs and priorities of the business and to the team culture; always in view of the broader organizational context and the broader environmental reality.

It is common practice for us to begin a team alignment initiative by interviewing individual team members, including the team leader.  This is to better understand the reality within which the team operates while allowing the various and differing perspectives of team members to emerge.  Only then can we objectively identify the best approach and way forward for the team and the organization.

Typical focal areas include clarifying a team’s vision and particular purpose in the organization, its value proposition, charter, decision-making process, as well as establishing meeting protocols, mechanisms for more open and effective communications, identifying and addressing “non-discussable” topics and conflict areas.  

Over the course of months, we work in partnership with the team and its team members, providing support when needed in order to reinforce agreements and behaviors that facilitate the achievement of sustained success for all.

Services include: