Strategic Partners

Jerry Miller
Vice President, Global Licensing

Jerry has 27 years experience in the field of Training and Organizational Development. He is the Vice President of Global Licensing for The Schutz Company, a training, publishing, and licensing company and provider of the LIFO® Method, The Human Element®, and Radical Collaboration® organizational development trainings. He is responsible for the international licensing of these training products with 39 business partners operating in 76 countries. His responsibilities include collaboratively negotiating product-licensing agreements and working with licensees to develop these training products, create derivatives and grow their businesses.
Jerry has successfully applied for, negotiated and been awarded US General Services Administration Federal Supply Schedule Contracts for several companies. He has extensive experience contracting with US government agencies including NASA, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of Defense Facilities Directorate and the US Army.
Early in his career, Jerry had the extraordinary opportunity to work with and manage the consulting business of Will and Ailish Schutz for sixteen years. Dr. Schutz is the author of FIRO theory and The Human Element® Training and together they built a successful business creating innovative employee training programs to improve individual, team, and organizational productivity. Jerry has also worked with and received training directly from many top facilitators and HR/OD consultants including: Ethan Schutz, The Schutz Company, Rolanda Klapatch and Brian Warren of Partners for Performance, James W. Tamm of the Radical Collaboration Group, Allan Katcher and Stewart Atkins developers of the LIFO® survey and training and Ron Luyet, from the Green Zone Culture Group.
He is currently a member the Board of Directors for the Silver Dragon Kung Fu Academy in Daly City, California.